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Old 10-03-2011, 03:45 AM   #1 (permalink)
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bebeone is on a distinguished road
Default Sudden loss of power, like runnin out of fuel

Hi everybody,

Im experiencing following problem with my 09 370z with approx 7000 miles.

At certain situations, when im pushing the car quite hard, it suddenly stops to accelerate for 2 or three seconds, then it kicks back. It doesnt help to release the gas padal and press again, it simply acts like the fuel is gone for a few seconds.

Yesterday, I was on a race track for the first time and this situation keeps repeating on the exact same parts of the track. As the amount of fuel in my tank lowerd, it started to happend on more and more.

So it has definetly something to do with fuel and its amount.

I want to ask you, does somebody have similar problem, or have you heard about it?

Im completly scared of explaining this to my dealership. I dont wont to say to my dealer: "Take my car on track and push it hard, lets hope it will happen to you too"

Thanks everybody!
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