Originally Posted by Alchemy
Again, Im begining to respect the performance, not hating (although I kinda am) but the Stang is  The interior is terrible, imo. Those mufflers g2z got look like poop. Im sure they sound beast though.
Alchemy, I respect ya. You know how much I loved my z (still do). I think interior looks are also subjective. Again for me, the interior of the stang is different...catering more to a retro look versus the zs futuristic techno look... I respect both. I haven't had enough seat time in the stang to comment purely. But I like it. What i CAN tell u is the quality. Sit in one. Feel it. Touch it. Look at the gaps. That's what I did. It's on par if not better than the z.
As for the mufflers, I agree the quality of that gt500 muffler I got was no where like my invidias. But that's easily remedied by the myriad of MANY MANY other aftermarket exhausts available. I got mine for sound and cost.
Originally Posted by Lemers
I think the mustang looks just as good as the Z. Just Ferrari Vs Lambo different.
^ this is proof that its all in the beholder.
Originally Posted by Lemers
I would be happy with either.
Originally Posted by Lemers
So does the power advantage of the mustang out weigh the looks advantage of the Z?
Lemers, I have a feeling ur considering switching from the z to the stang? Lol. Don't drive one.... Because that's what i did. Look what happened.
But tell u what it was NOT just the power that won me over. It was superior to the z regarding transmission (since I've owned a z, I feel I am qualified to make this statement). The z transmission is too loose, rattly, and grinding in ways that make me cringe. It was also embarassing to my wife, friends, and other passengers and passersby who all ask "what's that sound". Then i have to say oh that falling apart sound? That's normal." The stang is just not like that. It's how its SUPPOSED to feel. Add to that the 5.0s engine smoothness all the way to redline. No vibration no ear grating sound. The 5.0 makes me want to actually take it to redline all the time.
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Hmm tough question. I've ridden in one, but haven't driven one. Besides, I cant afford to switch my car now anyway 
Originally Posted by shadoquad
I've already said that the Performance and Four Seats of the Mustang are better for the money. We were talking about looks alone, which I think goes to the Z, but that's subjective.
As for what advantages outweigh what, that is also subjective. The biggest reason why I don't have a Mustang in my driveway is that I had already bought a Z, so a trade makes no financial sense. The second biggest reason is that I'm happy with my Z. But I respect the Mustang.
only way I went through with this is because my trade value was MORE than what i paid for my z a year ago

I reeeeeally got a good deal last year on my z. plus I got my new one for under invoice too. Hehe. Wife would have never let me do this if it weren't for that.
For all of u others that feel so strongly against the 5.0, I totally understand that. If u don't dig it, that's ok. looks are subjective, But what i do ask is before u pass judgements on concrete things like how it drives or feels or the quality, have an open mind. Sit in one, feel it, drive it. If u still feel like its "Crap", then fine. But tell u what that's exactly how i felt initially, but Ford made me a believer. I have LOVED nissans infinities all my life. I still do. It's just that now i love Ford too. Lol