So my neighbor came out for a chat all the sudden when i was washing my car and decided to give me a few pointers. Well maybe you guys can learn a thing or two from him.
First off, he asks me if i wash my car everyday and i said no, i wash it once a week. Then he tells me i shouldn't wash my car that often because my paint will eventually come off
He suggests that i use those "broom looking thing to wash my car so you can save time". walks into his garage and takes out his brush to show me. Then he tells me to not use soap unless my car is super dirty or else the paint will fade as well, just use water to rinse the car clean and dry it.
well.. after hearing that i pick up my carwash soap and add almost half a bottle of solution into my soapy water and stare at him. He shuts up and walks back to his garage.