Originally Posted by PapoZalsa
I think someone needs to get a few pointers on how to run things from a few veterans from ZdayZ like Brian.
Ask Brian about me-I think you'll find out he knows a lot more about me than you do. Among other things, he'll tell you that I did ask for his pointers! Typical of him, he shared them freely-just as he does his efforts in Z days. He had planned on being at the convention but was called out of country for work-ask him...
But on that note, Any of you that are not getting in there to change things by volunteering are showing how passionate you really are about the Z community-in your actions....or more to the point your lack there of!
Typing a series of comments may make you feel better, and might get some of your like minded buds to type and chat, but getting off your *** and volunteering at a Z function will actually make the community better.