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Old 09-29-2011, 08:51 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by daisuke149 View Post
No offense man, but last years trophies took forever to get out as well. Almost a year later in fact for some. So if the fire department has been late to every fire in the entire district, why bother calling them the next time there is a fire? by your own analogy.

Jus sayin yo.
As far as I know the OPIQ has NEVER contacted me about his certificate!
-just sayin yo.

But, you have a good point. I never intended for these to be so late, but for a number of reasons they are.
We handed out the coins on site-because they made it in time, but there is no way to have individually customized certificates for 140 people done in two hours even if the pre-printed certificates had been on time, and done right-they were not. I have been through three professional printing vendors since, who have told me they could do what I wanted and none has been successful. I have punted and accepted that they will not be as I intended, but they will be done as close as I can muster.
The certificates are having pictures of the awarded car printed on them. Call any awards company you want and ask them how long it will take a professional company set up for this work to produce those once they have the photos, now remember that I am one guy with a family(a working wife, a 4yr old and a 6yr old)-you saw them at the convention-a job, a mortgage and a life, most of which I put on hold to get this ready for you more than a year before the convention, and here we are a couple of months later and I still have much of my life on hold while I sew these things up. Just sayin yo

Now, back to reality, who is really getting any crap for not having their certificate? Have the police knocked on the door and threatened to cart you off because your certificate has not arrived? Are you waiting for a discount on your rent/house payment/the underware of a hot chick to melt off because you have a certificate? I guarantee that no one with any authority will come try to take your Z/fine you/beat you senseless because you don't have it yet-if they do show them the coin-they are numbered and listed to verify the award.

That said

Zdayz is an outstanding event, that is why I attend, volunteer, and support it and Brian and the entire Zdayz team whole-heartedly! But, ZdayZ is not a week long event in a different location every year, with a new team putting it on. Ask Brian about the growth and changes ZdayZ has gone through since the first one-I know he has stories-I have heard them. Comparing any Zcon to a current Zdayz is not a red Z34 to silver Z34 comparison, they are too different.

Last edited by Zcon2011; 09-29-2011 at 09:13 PM.
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