Originally Posted by sexZness
do these mythical creatures exist???? skinny chicks with flabbyness?!?!?! if they skinny... where does the flabbyness come from??? dayum... this is new to me 
they're everywhere, and from the sound of it, you are on your way to joining their ranks.
if you really want ot look and feel better, 1. start eating 5 small balanced meals per day, 2. lift weights, 3. cardio, 4. cut out (or at least down) on the booze.
Edit: and start drinkiing plenty of water, to find out how much, take your bodyweight and divide by 2. That's the # of ounces of water you need, then take that number and divide by 8 (8 is the standard "glass of water") so you know how many glasses of water to drink per day. Adjust the amount up if you work outside, workout days etc.