This morning on my way to work im driving down a hwy to go to work. some idiot behind me has her brights on and its the most annoying thing in the world. i tried swithcing lanes so he could pass but the lady would just follow me. So up the road i see a cop. pass him he does nothing. so i start changing lanes to get the lady behind me in front of me. but she hasssss to follow me. so finally she gets past me and FLYS down the road.
All the sudden i see the cop come flying up. so im like nice hes gona get that idiot. so i turn off bc i can get into work right from the hwy. the cop pulls up behind me

........ now im in one of the main enterance at work and now i feel like an idiot bc out of the 3000 people at work im the only person w a 370 and everyone knows me by my car. He walks up to the car and the first thing he says, in a snotty way is "i hope you dont work here." so i tell him i do and he goes what time do u have to be at wrk. im like 8:30 (its 8:25) so he asks for my license and reg. I give it to him. he goes to his car. Im $hitting bricks bc i have 11 points bc some other ahole cop screwed me for 8 points for a speeding ticket that wasnt me (a long story). he comes back and goes how fast were u going back there. "officer i wasnt going over like 60" he tells me theirs no way bc he was doing over 100 to catch me. then he proceds to tell me that he thought i was trying to avoid him by pulling off the road. I told the cop im like officer you saw my record, i would never do anything stupid bc the next ticket i get i lose my licence. So the cop again tell me that i was speeding and weaving in and out of cars. I was so nervous about the whole situation i forgot about the moron behind me w the high beams. So luckly i didnt get a ticket but it annoys me that they are always looking for me.
I cant enjoy my car anymore bc i keep getting pulled over for no reason. Im 22 in a sports car and cops love me as a target for anything. what makes this story even better is that i had no Reg on my windsheild, bc it fell off. My inspection was up and i have no front plate. But he didnt say anything about those. I feel like cops are just out to get kids in sports cars. That my rant about cops on long island. they are all idiots. This makes me want to trade it in and buy a truck or a stupid civic or something so ill "blend in"