Originally Posted by wstar
Maybe you just need to slow down and rethink how you're posting. Read what you're posting before you hit that button. You realize if you talked like this to anyone in person (say at a car meet), people would either walk away, call you you a *******, or beat you into the ground, depending on their personal demeanor, right?
I don't hide behind the screen as I can certainly take care of myself even in "live" situations...HOWEVER...I do realize I have gone over the top with this post....I do certainly agree with you on that point in your above quote.....
Perhaps there is hope for us to get along here yet....so let's just put this one behind us and both of us accept the fact that we both share an intent to promote the "Z" and that we both come at it from different directions.
I deleted all the insult posts I made the last day or so in this thread as a metaphoric olive-branch offering to you that I am listening to what it is you are saying. And I offer to you an apology for going over the top...