Originally Posted by BanningZ
Either Psychology (yeah I know) or return to law classes, and transfer to Willamette.
Idk we'll see.
Jobs in the mean time: T-mobile (I have plenty of experience in call center work), Fred Meyer, I was a PIC there, and a few others.
I ultimately am trying to avoid retail, but at this point anything would be fine.
I'm applying to Wachovia Securities and Willshire (Merrill Lynch), but the pickings are so slim out there, and there are so many over qualified applicants, we'll see.
My fiancee has a degree in advance interior design, a minor in business, and architecture experience, and she currently is working for Cost Plus World Market at 8.40/hr.
Man it really is tough out there. My wife is a speech therapist and has her choice of jobs. My job is stable and my second job is weather and I only work that 16-22 hours a month. We are very, very fortunate.
If you're ever interested in the ATC thing let me know, you would be well qualified.