The reverse wire issue isn't a problem, I figured all that out. The problem is, trying to control the camera with touchscreen controls instead of the silly universal button it comes with (to cycle through all the different views available.)
The control harness it comes with to connect to capatible kenwood headunits has nowhere to hook up that I can figure out which would inply my headunit is not compatible; despite the kenwoodusa site saying mine is. No connections that will fit up to the supplied wires - so instead, I have to use the stupid button and velcro it to my car. WTF.
No connection for the headunit on page 4, 5, or 6 look like they would be considered a "camera control wire;" which the attached picture says it needs to be connected to. (The attached picture is the manual for connecting the camera to a kenwood headunit, the pdf link is the manual for installing the Headunit.)
Kenwood Excelon DNX9140 Installation Manual