For my case the best bang/buck is the evo x, I got my fully loaded GSR for 31k 0 percent for 60 plus the four doors is really comes handy at times. If i didn't get that deal i would have bought the 370z.
I totally agree on the evo not having 6 speed, the engine is pretty loud during HWY cruise. But i would rather have the stronger 5 speed because mitsu did put a 6 speed on the ix MR but it was weak and people who put power on their evo were breaking them.
What i hate about the evo though is the interior sucks compare to the 370z, alot of clunking sounds especially wen it's cold i think it's because of the awd, notchy transmission specially 2nd and 3rd, lol its a dude magnet I haven't got a compliment from any females yet I usually get compliment from car guys. Seems like every muscle car, civics and srt4 have it for me revving at me all the time. EVO is also notorious for having a weak clutch, well a stage 2 exedy should take care of that problem also my evo x has a rough idle right now because of the shitty factory tune, i need to visit GST for my tune.
Lol seems like i hate my evo, but everytime i get out of the car there's always a smile in my face
