Originally Posted by MacCool
Thanks for the correction. What if the insurance company is right, and the OP never did buy comprehensive insurance? Are you still gonna try to take Progressive to the woodshed?
Are you saying that they should just give him the money whether he paid for the coverage or not? Just to be nice guys?
I'm just throwing in my two cents. It is MY OPINION, that if he OP originally had full coverage, and at some point there was a some sort of mixup Progressive should do the right thing and cover the vehicle. If he never had full coverage to begin with the OP should have noticed and called them to correct the issue. If this were my car that's how I would feel and handle the situation.
Originally Posted by kayess
I looked at the charges and paper print out matches, my payments are $120 a month. Gap insurance was bought through Nissan, so i guess that would be the bank? And yes i have all the paper work from nissan which shows i purchased gap.
I've never had gap before, but I would assume that part of that insurance clause is having full coverage to begin with..?