Originally Posted by Nixlimited
Me too. I would love to get all the data to look at it. I just don't understand how when you are sitting idle that hot pipe doesn't negatively affect IATs. Maybe when moving the ambient air flow is enough to offset it (with the good heat shields).
In any car when you are sitting at idle no matter where is the air filter located, The AIT will rise sense the MAF tubes are are also in the engine compartment, our testing shows no real disadvantage of having the filter there, also the keep in mind that the factory manifolds s are very well insulated. all the AIT sensor we placed at the IC inlet ,IC outlet and At the MAF sensors showed identical reading just like the stage one kit where is the filter is located in the Bumper of the car.
Originally Posted by Nixlimited
Questions for Sam: (1) what is the expected life-span of the factory cats with any of these kits? (2) I noticed in the pics of the new radiator that they don't match. They appear to either be two different prototypes or two different versions. Can you explain please?
I have seen and experienced factory cats lasting over 70k, of course there is many variables that will effect that. As for the radiator, We will offer 4 version:
-One that will be only bigger radiator that will expect the factory fans and another One that will have internal heat exchanger built in that can be used for engine oil or trans oil cooling
-The other two models will have the Spal HD 2400 CFM fans that can plug to a fan controller so you can control when the fans will come on and off, Of course with and without the heat exchanger option .