Originally Posted by DarkZide
You should quit paying exhorbant prices for parts, therefore they come down.
Problem solved.
You have no idea what I paid, for anything I own. So don't make assumptions, it makes you look like an idiot. What also adds to that impression are the rest of your posts. So stop.
To suggest that it's my fault that prices are where they are is just ignorant as hell. The fact that this is a nitch market with very slim volume has 1000x more to do with it then me willing to pay whatever price I paid for what I have. Spend a little less time whining and go figure out all the companies that have gone out of business or bankrupt in the past 12 months (I can think of 4 known brands just off the top of my head) and a reasonably intelligent person can figure out it's the economy and the market that has caused these businesses to go down. A company isn't going to have a very profitable business opening it's doors in this economy, making parts for our cars, selling them for $50 over their costs. And if you think it's possible, I encourage you to be more productive with your time and open that business. Good luck making any sort of profit in your first 2-5 years on that one too btw.
The other point I'll make is...I buy what I want because I can afford it just like everyone else in this world. Not a single person here buys or doesn't buy something wondering if it's going to affect some other guy's wallet.