Originally Posted by XwChriswX
If that friend is not a member here then I'd totally agree...
If he is... Banned!
Nothing wrong with all seasons if your crunched for cash, and understand you can't push as far as with ultra performance summers.
Me personally, I don't like having 2 different tire combo's or 2 different mileage worn tires... I replace all 4 even if only 1 is bad. But that's just me.
hahaha he's not but I made sure to give him a piece of my mind when I drove my car and suddenly the back was breaking out like nobodies business around corner

and ya at that time I just REALLY needed new rear tires because I had spun out on the freeway in the rain going well under the limit and got within inches of the center divider due to my tires being worn down (completely my fault for not replacing them sooner

). and I just can't wait to get these tires as soon as possible so I can enjoy experiencing everything the reviews are saying about these tires instead of just reading them =D