Well guys there seems to be a lot of misconception about the old ls1 in this thread. I'm the guy who put all the mods on Ryans (the op) car and also done work to the 00 SS he mentioned hes racing. The camaro only has headers a small cam and intake, stock gearing and all and yes it made 373HP which is on the low side of the spectrum for that car.
Anyhow I think it'll be a good run if the 370 gets from the hole well, but when the Camaro gets around 2nd gear watch out I can tell you it pulls like a freight train up high.
My old 02 SS with the same mods and a fast intake made 417HP and 385 FTLB tq, the OP can attest to how that car ran from experience... That car had a 231/237 600 lift cam it worked pretty damn good
Last edited by scarface364; 09-12-2011 at 01:57 PM.