A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
OK, pics to get the ball rolling
Custom AR-15 SPR 18"
Build List:
Rock River Arms - Stripped Lower
Rock River Arms - 2-Stage match trigger kit
Rock River Arms - Winter Trigger Guard
A2 Buffer Tube Assembly
Colt carbine recoil spring
Magpul BAD (Battery Assist Device)
Suregrip Ergo Deluxe Tactical Grip
Engraved Ejection Port Cover - Molon Labe
MagPul PRS Stock
Rock River Arms - A4 Upper Receiver Assembly
Rock River Arms - Bolt Carrier Group - Chromed
Bravo Company - BCMGunFighter Charging Handle - Large
YHM Low Profile Gas Block
YHM Rifle Length Gas Tube
YHM Phantom Compensator
YHM Bipod Adaptor
Caldwell XLA 6-9" Bipod
Midwest Industries - T-Series 15" Rail
White Oak Armament - 18" SPR Barrel - 1:7 Twist
Burris P.E.P.R. Scope Mount 1"
Vortex Crossfire 4-12x40 Scope
Sig Sauer P226
"Guv Motors Passion Wagon"
Last edited by TROOPER; 09-10-2011 at 09:04 PM.