I was going to do a write up of my own but I can put it here since we are talking about water and our Z's. There I was driving into work in Tampa Flordia and yes it was raining but not hard. Driving down Bayshore Blvd which for anyone that knows about tampa is is a beautiful stretch of road right on the bay where you can see beautiful women running all day long. Well i was going south bound and it started raining very hard, i then began to see water gushing out of the water sewers and racing down the side roads like tidal waves coming at me. In less than 30 seconds the water rose at least a foot and a half, I was behind a big truck making waves, I could not turn around because of the center median, could not go on the side streets because of the water rushing in and could not go backwards, I tried to keep to the highest point and make it to somewhere higher but before I did the engine started to rev up and down on its own. finally it dies in about a foot of water. Ended up sucking up water into the intake. After waiting for 3 hrs on a tow I finally got it off the street. Inspection was a hole in the 5th cylinder wall, then the fun began fighting with the insurance.

Their inspector took a week to get out the the shop and assumes since it was a sports car I was racing and reving the engine causing it to blow.

Said something to the effect they could not find any foam in the engine oil when they pulled the dip stick.

Fought with the insurance company for 3 weeks over this and finally had the shop pull the engine and break it down and told them to take pictures of any damage they found. when they drained the oil they found lots of water but no "foam".

they sent the pics and in less than an hour later the insurance called me saying they were going to fix it

, go figure, if I would have waited for them to make the decision to pull the engine I would still be without a car. and because they waited i had to have a new clutch and flywheel/ throttle body and alternator because of where it was setting for three weeks. All in all it cost the insurance 17,600

for a new engine and the other items as well as changing all of the fluids to be on the safe side. Now she is back with about 200 miles on the engine doing the whole breakin again. and that is my story and I am sticking to it.