Originally Posted by RCZ
I called and talked to them directly..the one they recommended for the car with the right diameter adapters and everything came out to ~$700 and Im not sure that included lines or anything... I asked about ordering 10 of them and I think the price went down to $500. They don't stock pre-assembled ones, everything is made to order...
I know whats up...youre talking about laminova and Im talking about C&R Racing...
Ah ok, yeah I've mainly been talking about Laminova, but I did post the C&R pics from AM performance just to show that there is obviously some merit to oil-water based cooling setups. I sent the AM performance guys a PM asking for some input on why they chose the C&R or any other information on their setup but never got a reply.
The Laminova still looks like a very solid design to me and I think it has more surface area that the c&r because of the thousands of little fins on this thing.
I'm currently considering the Laminova C43-332 (43mm diameter core, 332mm length). Though they do have larger 54mm core versions which are more expensive (and even double core setups). I just sent an email to Laminova asking if they had any sort of recommendations as far as oil cooler sizing goes, so we'll see if they get back to me.