Something scary happened on the way to work this morning. Shortly after leaving the house I’ve noticed a dip on the power band at lower rpm. About 30mins later, the car suddenly loses of power in 1st gear at 3000rpm. The car behind me almost hit me because of that.
This morning was pretty nice and cool with 70 degree out and my oil temp. was surprisingly at 220(it normally stays under 200)? Also, I could get the car go over 3000rpm in 1st , 2nd or 3rd gear.
After arriving to work, I let it park and cool down for about 15 min(oil temp. at 185) and it revs find again? I am taking the car to the dealer this afternoon to have it check.
Does anyone else experience similar behavior on their car?
Btw, could bad gas cause the problem(RaceTrack gas station)?
My current mods are G3 CAI & Top speed CBE.