I've had mine go off "randomly" on the highway too, when pressures actually turned out to be fine.
Once was near a tollbooth plaza with lots of police cars, and a survey crew nearby, so I think that was some sort of strange radio frequency interference. I passed back by the same spot on the highway (going the other way) about 45 minutes later and had the exact same hit on the TPMS light. Both times it turned itself off ~15-30 seconds later.
Another time was more recently, a single incident while cruising at speed. It stayed on long enough for me to find an exit and park at a gas station, then turned itself off just before I cut the ignition and got out and manually checked pressure.
It's also gone off legitimately when I've picked up a nail and had a slow leak 3-4 times so far, so in the overall it's a good thing to have running.