Originally Posted by Alchemy
Unfortunatly I have never owned a turbo or supercharged car  Would I like the current Z platform to come turbocharged? Yes, although Iam 100% satisfied with my N/A build thus far. My Zed will be staying N/A. And I, like chris and roplusbee will have to have my keys pryed from my cold dead hands.
If you haven't owned one... don't even bother trying to get into it.. you are better off staying NA. Someone told me a lonnnnng time ago when I wanted to turbo an old car I had that it's better to buy something already built for a turbo than to worry about it not being able to handle it properly. I've had 3 turbo cars that came that way. They are fun... but IMO my Z has been just as fun thus far and I don't miss my old Evo's one bit. Just the AWD sometimes.