Originally Posted by roplusbee
NA is satisfying for the most part. Am I satisfied with the Z NA? Yes and no. I performs pretty well out of the box. With minimal bolt-ons (I only exhaust at the moment), it can hang with a lot of higher powered cars.
FI on the other hand, is like crack. There is nothing like the feeling that you get when the turbos really kick in and throw you back in the seat. Sometimes it can be a painful road though. Like I said, it is like crack and the car may OD and require rehab.
For me, turbo all the way. I have had 2 turbo'd S13s and I am a boost junkie. I am not concerned with resale value at all. I gotta pay to play and I do not plan on selling my Z EVER. If I have to sell my Z, things have obviously taken a turn for the horrible and will be the last thing that I sell in a recovery attempt.
</end ramble>

I completely 100% agree with this part. If I ever have to sell my Z, it's prolly not long for me in this world.