Originally Posted by sarmyth
Be on the lookout for a tsb talking to replacing the 5th bow elastic bands to eliminate tonneau cover hitting the top when it doesn't fold up completely in the cold.
If any of you have this issue, the dealership can get a pretty hefty repair booklet from nissan detailing the replacement.
I thought about not posting my thoughts about this latest top issue, but decided to, just in case anyone else feel's the same way as I do.
I'm sure the TSB replacements will work fine, but really Nissan, ELASTIC BANDS??? What about a stainless steel springs instead? The bands can't possibly have the life span of tempered steel springs. They last forever.
To me, this means that if you're not having the problem now, sooner than later, when the bungee's lose their original tension and get even just a little bit weaker, you will. At least the TSB should cover us for some years past warranty?