Originally Posted by Nick
no i didnt get hurt and the guy i hit was being a baby and is prolly gonna sue me. he got out of his car all mad and stood up and everything then wen the cops got there he acted like a wuss
I was rear ended January of last year. She was probably doing 20-30 mph. I got out of the car and was walking around fine. I had so much adrenalin running through me, I didn't think I was injured. Once the adrenalin wore off and I calmed down, it was a whole different story. I had four dislocated ribs, double whiplash, two torn shoulders, and many other injuries. I am just now finishing up physical therapy on my left shoulder, and I still have chronic back and neck pain.
My medical bills have far surpassed $40k, which have all been paid by my auto/health insurance and out of my pocket (FL is a no-fault state). Needless to say, I am suing. And her truck looked a lot better than your G.
Instead of calling the guy you hit a baby, maybe you should just man up and take responsibility for possibly ruining the next two years of that guys life.