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Old 09-03-2011, 01:23 AM   #11 (permalink)
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JZNx is on a distinguished road

Does it like partially go into first gear (like you know its in the first gear area but not all the way in)? or like doesn't even move from neutral?
And try going LEFT + UP... like a "L" shape instead of going diagonal like "\".
And when doing "L" make sure to go all the way to the left then up...
but it has happened to me couple of times where I tried go first and it gets kinda stuck in between first and neutral (like not all the way in but partially in first gear)...

LOL when this happened... what i did was, I just put it in second and just drove off =)... lol idk if thats a good or bad for the car... but done it twice so far...
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