Try to talk with the dealer first. Do not threaten legal action from the start. Most businesses will stop talking with you once you make this threat. Anything else they say can be used against them, and honestly in this case they have a signed contract. It's your word against theirs and you signed the contract.
Besides, lot's of people threaten legal action from pure emotion but fail to consider the expense, time and headache to go this route and the minimal chance of winning. Even if you win...it's just over $2,500 and the lawyer could cost that amount or more. The dealership sees this all the time.
I agree - that's really not where I want to go. I just want them to be straight and get to the bottom of it w/me. I've been to court before, I know all about how much lawyers cost and the way they can really wreck any sort of relationship between parties...well, not so much the lawyers but the act of taking someone to court ...