Originally Posted by VCuomo
You've got this whole alleged scheme put together but can't even spell Camaro... Real credible...
Yeah, real legitimate...  You know, a lot of people probably think that the 370Z is a piece of **** because "reportedly" it has this huge overheating problem - does that sound legitimate too?
How about sticking to facts - not rumors and half-truths. One of you starts out with "reportedly" and ends up with his theory that GM is starting fake recall reports. And someone else actually states that this scenario "sounds legitimate". Sheesh...
We are doing something called "speculation". No one here is saying that it is true....we are just making note of the gathering circumstances around which create a possible scenario.....And who gives a ratz -azz that I spelled "Camaro" wrong...you knew exactly what car I was referring to so what's your stupid

point?? Mispelling something doesn't automatically negate any possibility or probability about what is being discussed. Its people like you that always have to knit-pick in order to create an axe-grinding situation with someone because they hate the fact they were born into this world....So get a life and grow a pair...