Originally Posted by onzedge
USPS and UPS used to be a joke -- not too long ago. Now, they are both excellent and it is FedEx out there racing around like mad men and delivering poor service.
I live on a VERY narrow street -- it is so narrow, in fact, that only one car can safely travel upon it when there are cars parked. The FedEx drivers treat our street as if it is NASCAR practice time or something. I use my Bullhorn when I am in the mood and "caution" these Kyle Busch wannabes to slow down. I am courteous of course, when I deliver these amplified admonishments.
Due to my trying to help the drivers mend their residential driving ways, I try to never ship with FedEx, lest they treat my packages with "special care".
Man you are right about Fed Ex, they fly up and down these streets like mad men/women!