SA2005 is legal for another five years, which is a pretty long life for a helmet that gets regular use. As for HJC, I'm on my fifth Si-12, and I absolutely love them. They list at $699, you can find them for $599 without much trouble, and I recently saw a retailer blowing out their SA2005 Si-12s for $400. I have head-butted a chainlink fence at 100mph in a crash at VIR in one, and it held up great. They weigh less than three pounds, which is my primary safety concern in a car helmet, because in a 100g impact, your 3.8 lb Impact lid (not a good name for a helmet...) will put an extra 80 pounds of inertia on your head. That's bad news with a HANS, and basal skull fracture news without one. Try and find another helmet that light for less than $1000.
To sum up, I don't get any money from HJC, but I love their product.
Grand Am GS #04 370Z