Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy
Dude!!!! Your return on investment (ROI) totally sucks!! In terms of a "biggest bang for the buck" you just got got laid over the railing. I hope they at least gave you a jar of free vaseline for the rape you just got.
You just paid between 3 to 4 times over the average cost for HP per mod-dollars spent. The acceptable average cost of a mod per HP gain is $25 to $30 per HP.
To be considered a "good" ROI for car modding the general ratio for
mod-money spent per HP gained is $25 to $30 for every 1-HP gained. You paid $125 per 1-HP gained given your configuration!!
did you figure in that he cant go turbo......?...... some of us in more modern states have a hard time passing emisions.