Originally Posted by WhiskeyHotel
I haven't had a bit of trouble. One can screw with the SR logic, though. SR will hold the rev's you have for a bit waiting to figure out what gate you're going to next. If you stay in neutral, then it gives up and drops to idle (or close). Problem is if you bouce around in neutral near the shift gates, SR will try to match the revs and HOLD them for a few seconds even though you're still in neutral. Be decisive. If you want neutral, put it there and take your hand off the stick. Your mileage, of course, may vary. 
well put. It took me a while to get over the habit of waiving the shift knob left to right just after going to neutral (to insure your in neutral), if you do, the system thinks your still deciding which gear to put it in so it holds the revs a lot longer. when I was still getting used to it I would frequently put it in neutral when driving on the offramp from highway speeds but soon found out it wants to rev really high coming out of 6th, im talking close to 7k sometimes.... made me super nervous! And also when coming to a stop I just wait till the last second to shift to neutral and make it quick and the rpm's usually drop real fast. As for reverse it's never slipped up on me (knock on wood). Overall all I'm very happy I have SRM it's a great addition just takes time getting used to it. aside from the few drawbacks stated, you have to appreciate the smooth down shifts , especially from 6th to 4th when someone thinks they're about to pass you up on the highway! sorry to write a book you guys, hope it helps!