I've never really seen a water/methanol system in use, or done a whole lot of research on the subject other than to know the basics. So basically this kit looks at the MAF sensor to see airflow data, and regulates a mist of water and alcohol into the intake air stream that's proportional to the airflow (or in the case of the stage 3 kit, uses I'm guessing a CAN connection to the car to look at more precise data instead of just tapping the MAF signal?).
In any case, my random methanol newbie questions:
1) How much HP increase would you expect on a WOT Dyno run with a system like this on an engine like ours (NA, not turbo'd)?
2) Does the ECU need to have new maps made to advance timing during WOT in order to take advantage of the water/meth injection? Or are we just relying on the fact that our ECUs are smart enough to self-adjust the timing as far as the fuel mix and temps allow? And in either case, how does the ECU know to back off again (other than to see bad knock happening first and *then* retard) when the tank goes empty in the middle of a drive then and you're back to normal fuel mix?
3) How long does the tank last? Is 3 quarts basically enough for 2-3 passes at the drag strip and then you refill? Or is 3 quarts more like "drive two hundred really hard miles with lots of WOT before it goes empty", or?