Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
So the gf wants to start carrying, and thankfully she decided that she would like to carry on her person instead of in a purse... so we are looking at the little .380s. Kel-Tec P3AT, Ruger LCP, and Kahr p380... all small enough to carry mostly unnoticed IWB for a female.
I am pushing for the Kahr, even if I have to pay for it.
The Kahr CM9 is also an option... just have to get our hands on one first.
I can't remember if this has already been discussed.
My wife carries occasionally. She's very slim and there's just no way for her to carry a pistol with a long grip, or grip thick enough for a double-stack magazine without printing (she
did not want to carry a .380 after years of carrying a Colt Mustang). She looked at the Kahr's, but I have a buddy that's a police firearms trainer and he has one he bought as a BUG. It's been difficult for him to keep running, been back to the factory twice, and he advised her to get a Walther PPS.
That has really been an excellent firearm.