Originally Posted by somatic
so i walk over to his car, and he says "please get in the vehicle" . o.0' "ok officer," i managed to squeak out. I get in, leaving the door open (i guess i thought about running lol not an intelligent idea). He says "please close the door." so i do it.

Awesome story dude, I bet he had a kick watching you be dumbfounded by the situation. It's stories like yours about cool cops such as the one you ran into that never get out. All you see on TV is this
Originally Posted by Red__Zed
Not at all surprising sir.
I bet he didn't ticket you because he was worried your car would eat him.
You are pretty slick
LMAO bro, I learn from the best (YOU). For once in my life, I can be thankful of the dumb french fries accent had TROOPER been on the car there wouldn't even be any tint ticket
Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
 You never fallow a crazy white mans driving skillz. 
I will happy to take you for a ride, check out my log I did a nice oil change last weekend and will soon be doing the audio. 
HAHAHAHA I told you that after you pulled up in like a boss in my neighborhood broski!!! Am I glad you didn't drive the R8 when we were down here? we would have been dead by now. In for the ride when you come down this way and excited about the audio, pls let me know what I need to get ahead of time so you don't do multiple trips