Originally Posted by OKC370Z
I had aftermarket springs that slightly lowered the Bullitt and welded high strength subframe connectors and installed Bilstien shocks which actually made the Bullitt handle a tad bit better than the Z, believe or not. But your right the Z is very refined. I do like how raw the motor gets when revved, reminds a of the Bullitt.
That's precisely my point...off the dealer lot the Mustangs are set up more for staight-line then course handling. You had to invest in some bucks to make the Mustang worthy of gaining some handling that the Z already comes with off teh lot.
When I saw what Shelby had to do to the ordinary Mustang GT's coming out of Ford to make the Shelby GT handle well (and the SGT really did handle well) it rally struck me how RAW the Mustangs really are coming out of Ford.
That is the problem though...there are so many things RAW about the Mustangs (including the 2010's) that you have to invest another $5K to $10K to refine the damn vehicle. And then you loose your warrantly coverage to boot on everything you refined.
Alot of reason why I went to the dark side with when I bought the 370Z. I was just in a near 300-car car show yesterday in the heart of the Midwest known for their dislike and displeasure of foreign car manufacturers. In fact my 370Z was the
only foreign manufactured car in the entire show. Talk about feeling like I had a bullseye painted on my back.
Most people during the show were avoiding coming over to see the car or they would just pass around it as I was parked between a Vet and a newer Mustang. However after I placed into the top 5 while I was packing up to leave, those whom I had earlier witnessed passing up the car started to flock over to my 370Z and ask questions about it. Many told me just how beautiful the car looked compared to any of the other cars at the show. And the compliments came from all ages and genders, including the senior age segment whom have the most dislike for foreign makers of cars. I was there 45 minutes after the show had ended showing the folks the features of the 370Z and answering their questions.
I really think my 370Z was the detente for beginning the end of this particular area's distasteful perceptions for foreign car manufacturers. Only time will tell as I take this car more into the shows in that area.
In plain words...the 370Z just exudes with design sexiness....its that plain, simple and extremely obvious to many of the folks who see the car at teh shows I put the car into...