Originally Posted by awesomez
Omg, I'll think twice about flipping the bird to a z owner that cuts me off next time. If you guys desire to own MR15s so badly you should really join the army or something. I like guns too and go to shooting range but I've never found it neccessary to own a gun that weights as much as I do. I guess what I am trying to say, cut it out, you're making me look bad as a z owner 
Find another thread, this one's full of a different viewpoint already...
But to answer in detail: First, nobody who's into the shooting sports is going to pull a gun on you for cutting them off. If they're that irresponsible, they're just as likely to ram your car with theirs anyways, so a firearm is hardly necessary. Second, the generic term for these semi-auto variants of the M-16 is AR-15, not MR15. Third, they're perfectly legal for civilian use in all but a few places in the US, so nobody needs to join the Army (which uses not AR-15's, but M-16's and M-4's anyways, which come in full auto). Fourth, they're very light, so they don't weigh anywhere near as much as you. A lightweight AR-15 build is usually going to be well under 10 lbs, whereas a bulkier build with lots of accessories might be closer to 15-18 lbs. Lastly, If you think gun ownership makes you look bad, perhaps you need to find a new country to live in. In this one, gun ownership is a right which is exercised with pride, not a dark secret to be ashamed of. A law-abiding armed citizen is one less potential defenseless victim of crime.