I was on my commute to enjoying a nice cruise with the windows down, driving calmly just enjoying the weather.
All of a sudden I see this kid in a Celica GTS w/ the horrible factory body kit tailgating the $#$@ out of me. I pay him no mind and continue at my normal pace. We come up to a turn in the road and I guess he doesn't like the speed I am going so he proceeds switch to the left lane and overtake me. At this point I am going 45-50mph and he blows by me at what must be 60+ and all of a sudden I hear his tires break loose. Dumb kid goes into a slide and over corrects, he ends up slamming over the curb and right into the metal guard rail.
I just

and continue on my way. I had no intentions of wasting my time and stopping to help a moron that treats public roads as a race track.