Originally Posted by Motordyne
Control of acoustic resonances.
Similar to what headers do but achieved in a different manner, resonance Q, frequency and magnitude. There is much more to how it works though.
A lot of unpublished R&D testing on the effects of the ART pipes on 350Z was part of the ART pipe patent application. There is still much more to explore now that VVEL is part of the equation. I can't wait to get hold of exhaust cam control to tune it to the ART pipes. If it is anything like the 350 engine, amazing things can happen on the dyno when the exhaust valves can be tuned to the ART pipes.
The exhaust cams on VQ37VHR are static. There is nothing to control, no phasing of lift adjustments. Only way to change that would be custom ground camshaft, which no one is producing at the moment as far as I know.
Only intake cams have VVEL and IVT.