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Old 08-21-2011, 05:48 PM   #15 (permalink)
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emx620 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by navydoc07 View Post
Hello everyone this is my first time posting things on the site but i'm an avid reader and stalker of this site... so to my story on 7/31/2011 i was coming from a freinds house i got off the I-805 on university exit, it was a green light i yielded to the opossing cars, except i could not see the car behind the big black tahoe so after the car passed i took the left but i got hit from a civic left front damage which resulted in 14k in damage the car is still in the shop and will be back in my driveway on the 29th, so this accident was my fault because i shoudl have yielded longer but there was no way i would have seen the civic the person i hit said there was nothing I could do so from now on to prevent this from happening is I am very cautious when making turns on green or when i come to a hidden or hards to see intersection...

for pics there in my album i dont know how to put pics in reply yet

I totaled my car, except I was in the civics position -- approaching a green light, where someone had a left on green yield, and they didn't see me coming around the bend. I slammed on my brakes but still hit them. My vehicle was totaled, and the insurance company ended up declaring them at fault, which they obviously were. Moral of the story, don't turn blindly at a yield on green light if you can't see everything coming your way.
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