psshhht... my car poops rainbows and flies through space singing the nyan song
But seriously, do you not realize that the folks that currently have 350z's are some of the same folks that had the 300Z before they got their 350, etc. There are those of us that are Zcar enthusiasts, who don't care what the 3 digits are before the Z, because we enjoy all members of the family.
Don't try and spin this into being 350 vs 370, because that is nothing but mis-direction.
The interest is genuine... the feel that it is smoke and mirrors is purely a result of the voice/attitude of this thread - the "we are the only 1000hp 370z" with not a single dyno posted, the using it in sigs like it's a proven thing, the comments like "we're days away from posting dynos", then nothing for months, then the "you guys are so mean that we're not going to show you dynos now", etc. Honestly, it sounds exactly like the words of high school kids that cruise/park their cars to show off for girls, talk big, but won't take it to the track/strip to prove anything. I'm not trying to be a jerk - I'm just saying that is how this whole thread looks to the rest of the community.
Some of us are evaluating how much stronger the 370 will be as an FI platform, compared to our existing VQ35 platform, or even against LSx swaps. So just because we don't have a 370 sitting in the garage today doesn't mean that we have no interest in the engine, vehicle, etc.
*Soapbox off*
SparkleCityHop has spoken... /THREAD
Last edited by SparkleCityHop; 08-20-2011 at 11:15 AM.