Originally Posted by KiddAdelaide
1. Agreed, window thingy is novelty
2. TMC= traffic message channel; let's you know the traffic situation (real-time) on the route you're taking, and if you want, re-routes to quicker less congested routes.
3. I reckon our US buddies get another feature that allows them to hook up MP3 players or Ipods direct to system. ?May be wrong
4. Are the side ones heated? Had the car long enough to think I would have noticed.
5. Don't know if we actually have low tyre pressure gauges equipped.
Can anyone help us figure this out?
2-Thanks on the TMC. I havnt really seen a good job of implementing it in any of the Garmins/TomTom's etc.
3-The US guys do get a direct iPod/iPhone connection as an OPTION.
4-The side mirrors are heated. One morning leaving work (@0500) i was talking to my work mates and could even see steam coming off them LOL.
5-Chck Manual pages 5-3 & 6-2.
6-Reverse Camera
Edit - I Reread the first post. Saying if so equipped. I can only say that my above info i have asked my dealer. Also that we get a fully loaded car except the 19"'s and HDD Stereo option the US guys get.