Just got back from Secret Services. They did a great job on the tune. They use a Mustang dyno, and I completely lost count of the pulls they did on the car tweaking and tuning after the first 10 or so

Car was running a bit lean in the low end of the range and just sub-optimal all around. They cleaned up the A:F ratio and got the tune dialed in for a nice torque curve. They also played with the throttle tables to open up the throttle plates earlier and more aggressively, and tweaked the 7AT's torque map by ~10%. The car's snappier all around now, especially in the low revs and/or at partial throttle compared to before. Just a lot more drivable, and a broader usable RPM and throttle range.
Absolute HP numbers were sad looking for this level of mod, but it's freaking hot out in Houston right now, and it's a new dyno for my car, so I really don't care about the absolute numbers. Avg gains across 2K->7.4K was 7 ft/lb and 6 hp, with most of the torque gains at 3K+ and most of the hp gains from around 4.8K+. This dyno's reading of my before/after peak hp today was 278 and 285.
I'm going to upgrade my license w/ UpRev either today or next week so that I can tweak on the little stuff myself (rev limits, speed limits, throttle response, valet map, blah blah), but the basic tune they did is really spot on, they seemed to know what they're doing