My wife used to give me a hard time about the obsession but we've been together long enough now that she has given up. I know when to pay her attention and she knows when to give me time with my car.
Originally Posted by definitionxmk
In for pics of wife =)
^ is in for a treat. Said wife just got boob job!
Originally Posted by Matthew
The only problem with this is the wife gets to drive the car 
No no! This is why I have never taught my wife how to drive a stick. I can only imagine the curb rash after she drives it.
My buddy bought a brand new Charger a few months ago. First thing he did was go out and buy 21" wheels for it (lol.... I know 21"!!!!

.....for being that big they actually look alright). Then he tells me it's going to be his wife's car. I just shook my head and said " you going to let her drive it with those wheels. What about curbing them." He just said, "she will be fine."
Originally Posted by Matthew
Alright here she is. 
Pre-boob job! We want post-boob job!

You know I'm just messing with you Matthew!