The usual over "there"...
- WON'T accept fact #1 which is - 370Z > 350Z
- Hey... let's argue amongst eachother like a bunch of 4th graders on a Honduh forum! Read: cut eachother down.. yeah that's real camaraderie!
- They all give the same lame response "I would buy one but I can't get over how ugly it is"
Translation: I can't afford one.
I'm glad that the 370Z has a respectable (although affordable) pricepoint to keep the riff raff out. It's nice to be able to have intellegent conversation about a car that we all love. (Just imagine how much more "intellegent" the conversation must be on the GTR site!)
If I ever wonder onto that godforsaken site again it will be too damn soon. The only person worth anything over there is Cheston who as it turns out, has a 350Z that will own anything on that site or this one (and maybe the GTR site too!!) Besides which, he is just a nice all around guy.