Actually, I drive my cars pretty hard and use them for the purpose they were made for.
Don't get me wrong, I love the car and think it is a tremendous value. It is a great car.
My issues are all cosmetic and minor, but with a new car things should be perfect.
Looking at my prior posts that you listed, I agree the exhaust being off center isn't a big deal at all and the body panels (after realizing how much plastic is on the car) were easily corrected by a little effort on my part.
The splash guards are another story. My car came with them from the factory. The tape didn't hold on 1 in the front and 1 in the back. When the dealer replaced them the 1st time, all 4 looked terrible. The adhesive tape wasn't strong enough to pull them flush to the body.
Now, with the use of the GUMGUM adhesive (the stuff used for windshields) the are much better (although still slightly gapped) and acceptable. The fact that they lifted the car incorrectly is a completely different issue.
I will probably have it repaired on my own, as I am basically done with DCH.
2009 370Z Touring, Sport, 7AT, Mats, Splash Guards,Leguna Blue/Black