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Old 08-18-2011, 10:42 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by theDreamer View Post
Looks to be a 25R.
Same as I have, been running the stage 1 for over a year. Oil temps stay under 220 during daily driving situations, even sitting in stop & go traffic.
I have the 25R from GTM designed to work in conjunction with their SC kit. I do not think I can upgrade to the 34R but I am not certain on that. Last night I was driving light~light in heavy traffic and watched the temps creep from 220 up to about 240. I was shifting under 4k and had the AC full blast.

I have gone into limp mode 2x before this project. The first was Austin to Plano averaging 75-80 when traffic allowed and I was 260+ in 105+ heat. I definitely felt a large loss of power. The second time was Bedford to Plano in 110+ heat and I saw 260+ on the gauge. Before the cooler, 220-240 was typical for my daily commute. I was planning on an oil cooler before I started the SC project.

I thought adding the 25R cooler would help substantially but I have not driven enough to tell for sure yet. It has been an unusual summer where I live with the intense heat. is offline   Reply With Quote