yes it is wrong to stop there at all...ill agree. But i can see a difference between sitting in the car with the engine running and getting out and going into a store.
For an actual fire lane, i have never had anyone come out and tell me to move or say im towing your car. Why? because im in the car with the engine running. Like i said, there was only one time i seen a fire truck coming down the road so i moved.
If someone parks there, gets out and walks away and a fire truck comes...then thats obstructing the truck from coming in and deserves to be towed.
Also im pretty sure most signs say "cars will be towed at owners expense" sometimes tow truck drivers cant lift a car without damaging its at owners expense.
2011 Evo-GSR AMS 2.4 stroker/ bore, FP Black build in progress.
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