Originally Posted by OldGuy
Cash for mine. You get the best deal that way and you avoid making the banks rich at your expense. No treat like this car for me until I could pay cash for it.
Most good checking accounts will earn you 4.25% these days, and if you put that $35K into a 4.25% checking account and financed at 1.9% you would be making 2.35%. So basically, you lost out on the bank PAYING you 2.35% of that purchase price. If, at any time, you want to pay it off, just pull the money out of that account and put it into the other.
Basically, you lost $800.
Cash is cash, and the dealer doesn't care if your name, or Chase's name is on that check. Same deal is same deal.
Lots of misconceptions out there about credit-cards, financing, etc. People are losing big bucks by not hammering their credit-cards and the like. It's only bad if you're ignorant and irresponsible. Otherwise, I make a few hundred bucks cash a year just off my little gas/food credit-card. Kinda nice to have the bank pay me to use their card.