Yeah, $1700/mo is not going to get you a Z unless you have no other expenses OR never go out. I was recently in a similar position (Crashed my S13, needed a car, and thought about financing something decently nice), but I thought of it like this...
Why finance a car that you want to show off and enjoy driving... If you can't afford to take it for a cruise or go to the bar to show it off to your friends?
Maybe the cost of living in FL is really low, but here in AZ... No way would $1700 be enough to have a $400 car payment and still live somewhat comfortably. Also, if you're young with no credit and no co-signer, I'm assuming you'll be on your own insurance? Most finance companies want full coverage insurance. A young male with a sports car and no credit... Have fun with $200+ month insurance rates. In AZ, it'd be probably $300+
I'm not trying to crush your dreams of owning a Z, but the idea of another young person getting buried in debt makes me sad, honestly. I'm proud to say that the ONLY debt I have is a personal loan that will be paid off on September 1st
After that, it's time to start building my credit.